We acknowledge & pay our respects to First Nations peoples & recognise the role of intergenerational song practitioners in establishing rich & diverse music practices that exist today.

First Nations Strategic Plan

Support Act acknowledges and pays its respects to First Nations peoples and recognises the role of intergenerational song practitioners in establishing the rich and diverse music practices that exist today.

We’re pleased to share with you our inaugural First Nations Strategic Plan, designed in consultation with Elders and Indigenous leaders across the country and led by our First Nations Programs Lead, Will Oui.

The Plan is for Support Act staff and the community we serve. It has been developed to guide, communicate, encourage and support what we are doing to achieve our vision and purpose in relation to our First Nations programming. We acknowledge that while we are a non-First Nations organisation, our First Nations strategic plan will be guided by the First Nations music community.

We will be reviewing this document regularly to ensure we are meeting our objectives and will undertake a formal review every three years.

Words sometimes don’t get the message across that we are aiming for. Some people interpret wording differently than others would as we are all unique in our own ways. Please reach out if you would like to get greater understanding about this document or talk about certain elements.
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Artwork – Tristan Schultz, Relative Creative