Support Act provides crisis relief, mental health and wellbeing support to musicians, managers, crew and music workers across all genres of music. Find out more below – or read our FAQs.

Social Work Support
Our social workers can work with you on an issue that is impacting your personal and/or professional music life.

Individual Resources
A range of national and state resources for financial, social and mental health support.

A range of dedicated resources and services for music industry crew.
Mental Health and Wellbeing Support
A range of life-saving mental health and wellbeing programs and events, as well as evidence-based mental health resources for anyone working in music.
Crisis Relief Support
Support for those experiencing financial hardship as the result of illness, injury, mental health, older age or another current crisis that is impacting their ability to work in music.
Crisis Relief Grants
Grants are available to musicians, managers, crew and music workers across all genres experiencing financial hardship.
Wellbeing Helpline
A free phone counselling service for anyone working in Australian music or the arts, easily accessed by calling 1800 959 500.
Looking for support for your music business or organisation? Check out our Workplace Support page.
Banner photo: Brendon Love by photographer Dara Munnis