We acknowledge & pay our respects to First Nations peoples & recognise the role of intergenerational song practitioners in establishing rich & diverse music practices that exist today.

Gift in Will

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Support the future of music

One of the most powerful ways you can leave your legacy to the music industry is by leaving a gift to Support Act in your Will.

Having an up-to-date Will is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and your loved ones. A gift of any size will make a huge difference in protecting those who create the music we love.

We understand that making a Will is a very personal matter. If you decide to include Support Act in your Will or have already done so, please let us know. As well as helping us plan for the future, it allows us to acknowledge your support personally and to discuss your wishes. Any information you provide is of course confidential.

If you would like to leave Support Act a gift in your Will or should you decide to include Support Act as a beneficiary, there are a number of ways to do so.

A legacy that lives on

Recently, we received a significant gift in Will from the estate of Dave “Red” Whip, also known as Redro Redriguez. Red was a passionate musician, sound engineer, producer and radio presenter. A beloved friend and mentor to many, Red had an enormous impact on the Melbourne and Mornington Peninsula music community. Red’s advocacy, and fierce belief in the artists he crossed paths with, had a lasting positive effect that will echo through time. 

This generous gift will help us continue supporting music workers in crisis, just as Red would have wanted.

Red Redro Redriguez


Types of legacy

Updating your Will

Support Act recommends that you obtain independent and professional advice from a solicitor to ensure that your Will is valid and your wishes carried out. If you do already have a Will, you can update this with a codicil. This is an extra clause to include in your bequest.

Here is suggested wording which you can include when making or updating your Will. It isn’t the only option so please seek advice as to what is best for your situation:

I bequeath [the whole/a percentage/something specific/residue] of my estate to Support Act Limited, ABN 43 079 588604 of Level 4, 11-17 Buckingham Street, Surry Hills, NSW, 2010 for purposes that it shall determine, and this bequest will be free from all duties. The receipt of this bequest by any authorised officer of Support Act shall form valid discharge to my executor.

Start your free Will

If you don’t already have a Will, we’ve partnered with leading Australian online will-writing platform, Gathered Here, to offer you a free, legally binding Will.

The process is simple and takes just 10 minutes to complete. The Will comes with free and unlimited updates for life.