We acknowledge & pay our respects to First Nations peoples & recognise the role of intergenerational song practitioners in establishing rich & diverse music practices that exist today.

Suicide Prevention Training – Individuals

People who work in music are 4.5 times more likely to contemplate or attempt suicide than the general population

Support Act are pleased to be partnering with Australia’s leading suicide intervention training organisation, LivingWorks, to provide people who work in music access to free suicide prevention training.

To equip the music community with knowledge, confidence and language around important suicide prevention skills Support Act offers an online program accessible for anyone at any time.

In just 90 minutes, this online program will teach you evidence-based model on how to recognise when someone is thinking about suicide and how to connect them to help and support via:

  • Interactive simulations and scenarios to practice your skills
  • Customised content depending on learner location and needs
  • Lifetime access to resources and refresher training
  • Proven to increase confidence in talking to someone about suicide and connecting them to care

The training is available to anyone aged 15 and over who works in the industry as a musician, crew or music worker, or someone who supports someone within the music community.