We acknowledge & pay our respects to First Nations peoples & recognise the role of intergenerational song practitioners in establishing rich & diverse music practices that exist today.

Support Act guide to Mindfulness

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Mindfulness is a huge buzzword right now – being used to flog everything from colouring books to luxe holiday retreats. But essentially, it is the practice of pressing pause on everything that’s going on inside and outside your head, and existing in the present moment with an awareness of what the moment holds without trying to judge or change anything.

Mindfulness allows us to develop a greater understanding of ourselves, of our surroundings, and the countless ways these two interact. By developing a mindful approach to ourselves and to life, we can increase our sense of wellbeing, start to feel more engaged and connected in our relationships, and feel more empowered to choose our thoughts and actions, instead of just operating on auto-pilot


Do one thing at a time

Multitasking is a sham. Take your time to focus on an individual task at a time without allowing your attention to get hijacked by other competing tasks or distractions (*cough* social media *cough*)

Whether you’re brushing your teeth, playing with your dog, listening to records or walking to the shops–take the opportunity to immerse yourself in the moment. Ask yourself what you can see, what you can hear, and what you are feeling? Notice any thoughts that might arise, that pull your attention elsewhere.

Be present when you’re around other people and do your best to fully acknowledge them, regardless who they are or where you’re at-whether you’re in an important work meeting or buying your weekly groceries. Listen to what they’re saying, connect with eye-contact, and try not to discount the connection by ignoring them or getting distracted

Take time to eat and drink mindfully. Pay attention to the taste, the textures, and the smells of the foods and drinks we’re consuming.

Lots of people swear by the benefits of moving your body to help bring you into the present moment. Breath-based practices like yoga and pilates help to ground you and focus your attention, and higher intensity workouts like running, cycling and HIIT classes get your body fired up–with little opportunity to get lost in thought

Start and end the day by “returning to the breath”. Spend 5-10 minutes focusing on your breathing (you can get some help and guidance with some great guided mindfulness practices via apps or online). It feels boring and silly at first, but it is a great way to centre yourself for the day ahead, or to help yourself unwind from a busy day.

This little mindfulness exercise can help you centre yourself, engage your senses and connect with your immediate environment. Practice it regularly–particularly in moments when you feel yourself getting hijacked by overwhelming or stressful thoughts or feelings.

1) Pause for a moment.

2) Look around and notice five things you can see. Name them.

3) Listen carefully and notice four things you can hear. Name them.

4) Notice three things you can feel–against your skin or body. Notice two things you can smell and one thing you can taste


Untangled – Mindfulness for Curious Humans

Experts and ‘real people’ share stories about how mindfulness practices have changed their lives. Hear experiences from business leaders, psychologists, neuroscientists, nutritionists, authors, mindfulness teachers, storytellers and more.

Listen to Untangled here

Mindful Meditation Podcast

The Rubin Museum presents a weekly meditation session led by a prominent meditation teacher from the New York area, with each session focusing on a specific work of art.

Listen to Mindful Meditation Podcast here.

The Mindful Kind

The Mindful Kind, hosted by Rachael Kable, shares exciting insights into mindfulness journeys and provides listeners with simple and effective practices to incorporate into their own lives.

Listen to The Mindful Kind here

Mindfully with Brett Kirk, Smiling Mind

In a busy world, we’re all looking for things that can make our lives simpler and less stressful and mindfulness meditation is a scientifically proven way to do it.

Join Sydney Swans legend Brett Kirk as he teams up with the experts in Mindfulness, Smiling Mind, to show you how you can use mindfulness in different areas of your life, to find a calmer and happier you.

Listen to Mindfully here


3 4

10% Happier

by Dan Harris

Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics

by Dan Harris, Jeff Warren, Carlye Adler

A Mindfulness Guide for the Frazzled

by Ruby Wax


Tide: Sleep, Focus, Meditation‬.

Tide integrates sleep meditation, relaxation and focus into one app.
With a bunch of different audio and soundscapes to explore while helping you relieve stress, stay focused, and relax.

Free on iOs and Android.

Smiling Mind

Smiling Mind is a mindfulness app that encourages users to take 10 minutes each day to be mindful. The app provides short mediations designed to reduce stress, improve sleep, concentration and overall wellbeing and leaves a smile on your mind.
Free on iOs and Android


The Headspace app makes meditation simple. Learn the skills of mindfulness and meditation by using this app for just a few minutes per day.

Free on iOs and Android