We acknowledge & pay our respects to First Nations peoples & recognise the role of intergenerational song practitioners in establishing rich & diverse music practices that exist today.

Social Work Support

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The Support Act crisis relief team has social workers who can work with you on an issue that is impacting your personal and/or professional music life.

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Crisis relief team leader – Angela Doolan

How do we help?

  • Listening to your situation to assess what is going on for you and help that may be available
  • Providing information about services relevant to your situation
  • Providing links and referrals to external services in your location
  • Support to understand and navigate systems, such as My Aged Care, the NDIS, Alcohol and Other Drugs supports, Mental Health services, financial counselling, carers support, Centrelink, housing and other services relevant to your current issue
  • Information and referral regarding counselling including the Support Act Wellbeing Helpline
  • Information regarding the criteria for a Support Act Crisis Relief, Tax Help or Funeral Help programs

If you’d like to get in contact with us about receiving social work support, please email us at [email protected].