We acknowledge & pay our respects to First Nations peoples & recognise the role of intergenerational song practitioners in establishing rich & diverse music practices that exist today.

Mentally Healthy Workplaces Program

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The Mentally Healthy Workplaces Program (MHWP) features a suite of industry-specific workshops and training sessions designed to promote mental health awareness, psychological safety and positive cultural change to help create a safe and thriving music industry for all.

In line with our First Nations Strategic Plan, the program will also deliver culturally intelligent, respectful and trustworthy support to all First Nations peoples accessing it.

It will support participants in meeting their legal obligations under the new Respect@Work legislation, which imposes a positive duty on employers and Persons Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBUs) to take proactive and meaningful action to prevent gender-based harassment, discrimination, bullying or victimisation from occurring at work or places connected with work.

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The offerings are currently free and available to any music-based business operating in Australia, thanks to the support of our donors and sponsors.
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The basics

These 60-90 minute introductory workshops guide participants through the basics of mental health awareness, psycho-social safety at work, and diversity, equity and inclusion. This is the perfect starting point for any business wanting to get involved in the program.

Depending on the size of your organisation, these workshops can be delivered exclusively for your team. Alternatively, we have public-access sessions running throughout the year, where people across organisations can tune in online and take part.

Wellbeing Check-In

Sessions tailored to staff or managers, exploring why working in music can be hard on mental health, howe self-care can help, and how to give and get support.

Access All Areas

A program designed to educate members of the music workforce on how to actively intervene when witnessing sexual harassment, assault and bullying.

Voices Amplified

A workshop to help empower participants to challenge systemic barriers, address unconscious biases and foster respectful relationships with culturally diverse communities.

The bonuses

These add-ons are offered to all organisations taking part in the Mentally Healthy Workplaces Program. They help to ensure that mental health, safety and inclusion are kept top of mind in the workplace and provide opportunities for participants to explore relevant issues in greater depth.
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Digital Resources

A customised newsletter delivered to your inbox every quarter with actionable takeaways, Q&As around mental health and wellbeing topics, and additional resources including book and podcast recommendations.
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Brunch Bootcamp

Interactive, short and informative virtual sessions over lunch, which explore a topical theme, including burnout, boundaries, conflict, stress and more.
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Support Sesh

Live in-person/online collaborative 60-minute group discussion sessions led by a trained mental health practitioner, allowing your team to explore unique challenges and strengths in the realms of wellbeing and psychosocial safety.

Go deeper

If team leaders or staff members are keen to supercharge skills in the realms of mental health support and empathetic leadership, we have a range of add-on workshops that can be scheduled on request.

Mental Health First Aid

A gold standard, nationally accredited training course that provides you with the skills and knowledge to help someone developing or experiencing mental ill-health.

Suicide Prevention Training

An online, self-paced training to teach you how to recognise when someone is having thoughts of suicide, how to respond, and how to connect them to help and support.

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Leading With Empathy

An interactive hybrid workshop offering practical exercises in active listening and empathetic responding.

Why sign up?

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Frequently asked questions

Who is this program for?
Australian-based businesses and organisations whose service is primarily music-based.

It’s important to us that everyone has the opportunity to take part. If you’re a sole trader or part of a small business with less than 8 employees, we’ll be providing open-access sessions (scheduled based on interest) throughout the year which will allow you or your small business the chance to move through all the offerings of the Mentally Healthy Workplaces Program, and gain accreditation.

If you’d like to find out more, contact [email protected] and we’ll get back to you shortly to discuss your requirements.

This program is currently free thanks to support from our donors and sponsors. If higher levels of customisation are required, then charges may be incurred.

The Mentally Healthy Workplaces Program doesn’t have a fixed end date and can continue for as long as your workplace is engaging with Support Act’s workshops and offerings.

This program is currently in its pilot stage and we are more than happy to discuss any modifications or specific arrangements that would allow us to better support you and your organisation.

A mentally healthy workplace is one that promotes and supports the psychological wellbeing of its employees. It’s a work environment where employees feel valued, respected and supported in their work, and where their mental health is prioritised. A mentally healthy workplace should have the following characteristics:

Open communication: Employees should be able to communicate openly and honestly with their colleagues and superiors without fear of retaliation or discrimination.

Positive relationships: The workplace should foster positive relationships between employees, and support teamwork and collaboration.

Supportive leadership: Leaders should promote a culture of support and empathy, and be willing to listen to and address the concerns of their employees.

Work-life balance: The workplace should encourage a healthy work-life balance, with flexible working arrangements and policies that support employee wellbeing.

Mental health support: The workplace should provide resources and support for employees who may be experiencing mental health issues, such as access to counselling or employee assistance programs.

Training and development: Employees should be provided with training and development opportunities to enhance their skills and knowledge, which can contribute to their sense of purpose and self-esteem.

Overall, a mentally healthy workplace is one that recognises the importance of employee wellbeing and actively promotes a culture of positivity, support and growth.

Psychological safety refers to the feeling of being able to express oneself without fear of negative consequences such as punishment, ridicule or rejection. It’s a sense of trust and confidence that individuals have in their workplace or team environment that allows them to share their thoughts, opinions and experiences without the fear of retaliation.

In a psychologically safe workplace, employees feel comfortable and supported to speak up, ask questions and make mistakes without fear of negative consequences. This allows for open communication, creativity and collaboration, which can ultimately lead to improved performance, innovation and job satisfaction.

Psychological safety is important in any workplace because it allows employees to feel respected and valued, and encourages them to take risks and share their knowledge and expertise. It helps to create a culture of trust and inclusivity, which in turn can lead to higher levels of employee engagement, productivity and well-being.

Psychological safety is essential for creating a positive work environment where individuals feel comfortable and confident to express themselves, contribute to team goals, and grow both personally and professionally.

Psychosocial hazards in the workplace refer to factors that can impact the psychological wellbeing of employees. These hazards can arise from a range of workplace factors such as the work environment, work organisation, job design, work demands, social relationships and leadership styles.

Examples of psychosocial hazards include:
Workplace violence: Threats, bullying, harassment, sexual misconduct or physical violence from colleagues, clients or customers can impact employee mental health and wellbeing.
High job demands: When employees are expected to work long hours, manage high workloads or complete tasks with insufficient resources, it can lead to stress and burnout.
Poor communication: Inadequate communication from management, unclear job expectations,or lack of feedback can cause anxiety and confusion among employees.
Poor social relationships: Negative relationships with colleagues, conflicts and lack of social support can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness.
Poor leadership: Ineffective or unsupportive leadership, micromanagement and lack of recognition and feedback can negatively impact employee wellbeing.

Psychosocial hazards in the workplace can impact employee mental health, job satisfaction and productivity, and can lead to absenteeism, high staff turnover and increased health care costs. Therefore, it is essential for organisations to identify and manage psychosocial hazards in the workplace to promote employee wellbeing and organisational success.

MHWP x Industry Review

Email [email protected] to register your interest and we’ll get back to you shortly to discuss your requirements.

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Mentally Healthy Workplaces Program

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