We acknowledge & pay our respects to First Nations peoples & recognise the role of intergenerational song practitioners in establishing rich & diverse music practices that exist today.

Workplace Wellbeing Check-In

Support Act is committed to improving the mental health and safety of workplaces in the Australian music industry. We have a multidisciplinary team of specialists that can work with your business to ensure that your workplace is a productive, safe and supportive environment.
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Working in music can be hard on your mental health. Our 2022 survey revealed what many of us working in or connected to the industry had been feeling or hearing for a while – that levels of psychological distress and poor mental health outcomes were rife amongst the Australian music community. 

In fact, 66% of people working in the music industry are experiencing high or very high levels of psychological distress, leaving people feeling hopeless, worthless, nervous, exhausted, restless and stressed-out. These levels are more than four times that those of the general population. 

These issues extend right across the industry, reported by creative and performance workers, production and technical crew, as well as those in administration and management.

While accessible and affordable treatment and support are the best ways to reduce these numbers, stigma-reduction is also essential in encouraging people to reach out for help when needed. Psycho-education can additionally provide people with a greater understanding of their own mental health and wellbeing, and what they can do to support team mates, colleagues and friends.

A great way music industry teams and organisations can reduce stigma and boost psycho-education is by booking in a Workplace Wellbeing Check-In with us at Support Act.